African grey parrots are one of the most popular pet birds in the world, and for good reason. They are intelligent, entertaining, and very social. However, one common problem with these birds is that they can be very cold. African greys are tropical birds, and as a result, their body temperature is very high. When the temperature drops, their body temperature drops as well. This is why they often shiver when it is cold outside. A cold weather or environment is also not the only reason why african grey parrots can shiver, the african grey parrot is a good communicator by using body language. If you are not new to keeping an african grey parrot then you should be able to identify or understand the current mood of your parrot. Some examples include excitement, the grey parrot can shiver or shake not only because it is cold but also out of excitement as well as jealousy or if they are parrot is scared. This particular topic is very common now amongst individuals who are not familiar with this bird breed and are experiencing it for the first time which can be very frustrating too.
How to stop african grey parrot from shivering?
Keeping a parrot or any other bird in a cold environment can lead to health issues or even take the life of your parrot, make sure your parrot is always warm, you can add some soft cloths in the cage for the parrot to get inside whenever it feels cold.
African gray parrots will shiver when they are scared of something, it could be a stick, broom etc., when you notice such behaviors, try to calm the parrot down and make it understand the object is harmless.
Visit a veterinarian regularly for check up to be sure that your parrot is not suffering from any health issues that can be life threatening.
Feed your parrot with enough vegetables and fresh fruits to keep it healthy as bad feeding habits can also provoke habits like shivering or even feather plucking.
Do all African Grey Parrots Shiver?
Generally, parrots don't shiver. Shivering in parrots is usually caused by something as listed above. If you find out your parrot is shivering, don't be scared rather try to pay close attention to know the cause of the problem from there you can proceed to finding solutions. If you make sure your parrot feeds well, you regulate temperature in your home, provide the parrot with enough mental stimulation and attention then you will rarely encounter any issue of shivering with your feathered bird.
African grey parrot finder
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