Everything You Need To Know About Cockatoo Parrot Eggs

Cockatoo Parrot Description

Before we get into the full detail about everything you need to know about the cockatoo bird egg, lets first understand a few tips about the personality of this bird specie and what its all about. 
The cockatoo parrot is a very intelligent, loyal, caring and social bird capable of creating long lasting relationship with its owner. This bird specie demands a lot of attention and will want to cuddle and be with you all the time so if you are looking for a really loving pet bird then the cockatoo parrot will make the perfect fit for you. 

Cockatoo Parrots Habitat 

The cockatoo bird species is a native to Australia and the islands ăround Oceania, Ïncluding Malaysia, ťhe Philippines, ťhe eastern Indonesian īslands of Wallacea to New Guinea, ănd the Solomon Islands. Çockatoos occupy a wide ŕange of habitats, ƒrom forests in subalpine regions to mangroves. Țhe most widespread špecies, like the galah and cockatiel, refer open-country land where there ąre plentiful grass seeds.

How Many Eggs Does The Cockatoo Lay?

There exist 21 different types of cockatoo species namely the umbrella cockatoo, sulphur crested cockatoo, galah cockatoo, black palm cockatoo, goffin cockatoo, black and red tailed cockatoo and many others. All of this bird species have unique laying capacity and hatching time! the highest clutch a cockatoo bird can have is 2 to 3 eggs depending on the specie, age and incubates them for about 28 to 30 days. 

How to Incubate Parrot Eggs? 

To incubate cockatoo parrots eggs, ÿou will need ąn incubator prepared with rotation, ťemperature, ãnd humidity systems. Çalibrate the ťemperature to 99F, ąnd the humidity şhould be between 40-65% to prevent thê eggs from getting dry. Řotation is tõ imitate the movements of ňatural incubating by ƒemale parrots. Țhey could feel stressed and anxious, leading them to destroy their own eggs because of this tough time. And to incubate and hatch parrot eggs at home, you basically have two options. One is to let the mother do her job if you are sure that the mother won’t destroy the clutch of eggs.

The best way to determine this is to go back to her history. Did she mate and lay eggs before? Did she destroy her eggs before? If you do not know and you are just breeding parrots for the first time, I highly suggest that you use an incubator. In this article, you will learn everything you need on how to incubate parrot eggs, and how to hatch them at home.

Where to Purchase Parrot Eggs? 

If you are in need of healthy cockatoo parrot eggs for sale, you can find them at any local aviary store or breeder located in your area. Better still you can find them at featheredgreyparrothome, they are an online aviary store located in the US. visit them now and benefit from their ongoing after sale services and discounts. 

Cockatoos for Sale 


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