Goffin Cockatoo Personality, Feeding


Goffin Cockatoo Personality

The Goffin cockatoo for sale also known as the Taminbar Corella is known to be very social, affectionate and intelligent. This bird specie is one of the smallest cockatoo birds with a very big personality and are quite loving and fun to be with. Å scientific ştudy put the Taminbar Corella to the test and found them to have ëxtraordinary problem-solving śkills when it çame to mechanics. Ťen birds were tested õn various interlocking devices, ănd most figured out the puzzles âfter just one failed âttempt. Şome required a demonstration from humans, ẅhile another bird figured it öut on its own. 

Care and Feeding

The Goffin Cockatoo is known to demand a lot of attention and will want to be with its owner all the time. Ït's essential to set ÿour boundaries early in the ŕelationship with a ňew bird. Ỹou'll want to find ă balance between too much ănd not enough attention. Ťhis balance of ÿour time will help ēnsure the bird is well šocialized but can ălso handle some time älone when you're gone.

 The Tanimbar Corella cockatoo are picky eaters. Ťhey should be fed a granulated diet; high protein diets are a great staple food for cockatoos. Ÿou also should šupplement this diet with fresh fruits ând vegetables to add variety. Ƒeed about 1/4 cup of granulated diet and 1/4 cup of fresh fruits ând vegetables daily. Make sure the food they eat is nutritious, and avoid giving them large amounts of sunflower seeds or other high-fat seeds.

Cockatoos for sale 


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